Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (Stage 3)
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training
The training aims to provide an in-depth, high-quality professional training in twice-weekly psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Our aim is to encourage candidates to explore the question of what constitutes psychodynamic psychotherapy – and to develop their own understanding and style within the key parameters that define our field. Theory seminars will offer candidates a chance to read primary texts closely and in detail – to really experience the depth and richness within the analytic literature, and to appreciate its profound clinical relevance today. There will be a strong emphasis (in “Applications” seminars) on opening up contemporary issues and debates within the profession; this includes engaging with core clinical concepts and areas of technical diversity and debate surrounding them.
The course will address and review psychodynamic thinking around contemporary questions of social difference (including race, ethnicity, social class, ableism, climate change) and gender, sexuality and relationship diversity – with an emphasis on implications for psychodynamic practice. Clinical Seminars will provide a regular opportunity to present and review clinical cases, and an opportunity to consolidate, develop and make use of learnings from other parts of the training.
The course will run every 2 years.
This is an overview of the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy course.
Apply For This Course
Entry Requirement
This is an additional and advanced training for qualified psychodynamic counsellors (or other suitably qualified candidates).
You will be required to be in at least twice-weekly therapy with a Wessex CP approved psychoanalytic psychotherapist.
Application Process
Applications are accepted at any time before the deadline, and early expressions of interest are encouraged.
Applicants will have two interviews.
Course Structure
The Course will be held on Fridays at our premises in the centre of Frome.
The course day will consist of
Theory 9.30 am – 11.00 am
Clinical Seminar 11.30 am – 1.00 pm
Application 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm
Clinical Years
Year 3 onwards will have a weekly clinical seminar (time not yet set)
The proposed modules will be covered over the first two years and are as follows (subject to revision):
- Introductory Lectures
- Reading Freud
- Reading Klein
- Reading Winnicott and Bion
- Reading Independent and Post-Kleinian Psychoanalysis
- Reading Jung
In clinical seminars trainees take turns to present their clinical work to the seminar leader and other trainees in conditions of strict confidentiality. Clinical seminars should expose the trainees to different approaches in the British clinical tradition from the ones offered by their supervisors and training therapists
- Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Questions of Social Difference
- Technique: Transference and Countertransference
- Psychopathology: Psychodynamic Psychiatry
- Psychodynamics of Gender, Sexuality and Relationship Diversity
- Technique: Interpreting Dreams and Free Associations
- Psychoanalytic Developmental Thinking: in theory and practice
To help you here is an indication of the time you need to set aside for the course. The actual amount will be an individual choice outside of requirements to attend the course day, therapy, clinical work and supervision
Attending Curricular seminars:
4.5 hours (term-time only) on Friday
In addition, Reading and preparation for seminars
Personal therapy: 2 hours weekly therapy
Supervision: 1 hour weekly for each training patient (and time for additional patients) Clinical work: 1 – 2 (therapy) hours for each training patient Writing up Verbatim Clinical Notes
Background reading/ research for written assignments
Trainees are required to be in weekly individual supervision with a different supervisor for each of their training patients, Trainees will select supervisors from an approved list.
Supervision is arranged by the trainee and does not take place on the course day and is an additional cost to the course fee.
Qualification and Assessment Criteria
This will be available shortly.
Course Fees
Training Application Form
Training services
Talking therapies work
Course Progression to Professional Qualification
Introduction Course and Foundation Certificate (Stage 1)
Diploma Course (Stage 2)
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (Stage 3)
Continuing Professional Development Courses
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“The standard of teaching and the rigorous expectations from the course have been incredibly high. I feel that I have had the best training I could have had and feel able to start this new phase of my life with confidence.”

“I would like to thank Wessex CP for the support and service they have given me, I really don’t know what I would have done without it. Frome is very fortunate to have you!”